Guardianship Lawyer Bucks County, It’s What We Do!
Posted on Thu Mar 16, 2023, on Guardianship
Guardianship Lawyer Bucks County, It’s What We Do!
From Our “Ask a Question” Mailbag: “My daughter is on the Autism Spectrum and cannot care for herself. She lives with us in Doylestown, PA, and turns 18 this year. I am worried about what would happen to her if I die. What steps must be taken with a Guardianship Lawyer in Bucks County to help her?”
How Does Guardianship in Bucks County, PA Work?
When a person reaches the age of 18, our legal system recognizes them as an adult. Unless a judge deems them incapacitated, parents lose the right to control their children’s money and medical information. Do you have a loved one who cannot make decisions because of an intellectual or developmental disability? Guardianship is a powerful option. Klenk Law, LLC’s guardianship attorneys can assist you with Guardianship in Bucks County, PA.
Is Guardianship in Bucks County, PA, the only option?
If a disabled person can understand the process, they can sign a Medical Power of Attorney and Durable General Power of Attorney. This gives an “Agent” the right to manage the disabled person’s financial affairs and access medical information. But suppose your loved one can’t sign a Power of Attorney. Or, suppose the Power of Attorney agent is making bad decisions. If you face either situation, petitioning for guardianship may be the only option to help your loved one.
Is Guardianship in Bucks County, PA, Difficult?
Each case is different. If a family agrees, the process can be straightforward. If the family does not agree, or if there is an Agent named who refuses to give up their power, then the process becomes more difficult.
Here are some examples of situations that can make the process more complicated. Firstly, someone may object to the guardianship petition. If so, it may take more effort to overcome those objections. Secondly, it may be more challenging than usual to prove mental incapacity. Proving a comatose person needs a guardian is more straightforward than proving that someone with Alzheimer’s requires one. Thirdly, the addresses of the heirs and agents, who are entitled to notice, may be unknown.
Regardless of the complexity of your case, Klenk Law, LLC’s guardianship attorneys will promptly and effectively pursue guardianship for you and your loved one.
What is the Guardianship Process in Bucks County, PA?
The Bucks County Orphans’ Court appoints guardians within the Bucks County, PA, boards. The Court may appoint a guardian to make all financial decisions, or the Court may appoint a guardian to make medical decisions. The Court often appoints a guardian to make both financial and medical decisions.
Step One: We must prepare and file a guardianship petition.
Step Two: The Court holds a guardianship hearing.
Step Three: The Court issues a Decree.
On average, those steps will occur over one to two months.
The Orphans’ Court didn’t know about the incapacitated person until receiving the petition. The petition presents the Court with the necessary information.
With Which Parts of the Guardianship in Bucks County, PA Process Do Klenk Law’s Attorneys Help?
The Bucks County Orphans’ Court schedules the guardianship hearing.
Klenk Law, LLC’s guardianship attorneys will collect the information needed to prepare the petition. Then, they will prepare and file the petition. Next, they will serve the petition and other documents to the heirs and other necessary parties. The attorneys will guide you and others in preparing for the guardianship hearing every step of the way. Finally, Klenk Law, LLC’s guardianship attorneys will make the necessary arguments at the guardianship hearing.
Would you like more detail? Follow this link to our article, Guardianships: Everything You Need to Know. There are also other helpful links on this page.
In Conclusion: How Does Guardianship in Bucks County, PA Work?
We hope you found this short article about Guardianship in Bucks County, PA, helpful. We have also included some links for more detailed information. Contact us if you want to know more or need our help with guardianship. Let our guardianship lawyers help you walk you through what can be a confusing process. Feel free to contact our office for a free consultation.
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Article by Attorney Rodney Myer, Bucks County Guardianship Attorney.